This Christmas I had trouble thinking of a gift for a family member. However, about a week ago an idea popped into my head. At the time the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who was approaching. That show was the inspiration I needed. I created for my family member a version of River Song’s Diary. Being a book binder this was something that I thought would be easy, but this project turned out to be one of the most involved projects I have ever done.
For those who are not familiar with River Song and her diary I will give some background. River keeps a diary of all the adventures she has with the Doctor. It is how she keeps track of where on the Doctor’s timeline she finds herself. The most important thing to remember about River is that her life and the Doctor’s are running in opposite directions. His first meeting with her is her last. River Song first appeared in season 4 of Doctor Who in the episode Silence of the Library. She introduces herself to the then Doctor, David Tennant, as Professor River Song, Archeologist, but she will become far more as her appearances continue in the time of the 11th Doctor, Matt Smith. Her first appearance with the 11th Doctor was in the episode Time of the Angels. She joins the Doctor and his companion Amy in a chilling battle against the weeping angels. A twist on her character is revealed in this episode, that being her life sentence for killing a “good man.” Now, I will not reveal anymore, to steal her own phrase, anything else I can say would be….”spoilers.”
Now, about the book I have made. Everything about the book is done from scratch. The cover was constructed from matte board, foam sheeting, and handmade book cloth. The pages are drawing paper aged using tea and instant coffee which was baked to deepen the color and set the staining. The 10 4 page signatures are sew together and glued to the cover. It is a solid and durable book ready for any traveling to come.